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Order pauses on Remembrance Day

The Orange Institution fell silent at 11am on Friday, 11th of November, for the annual Remembrance Day Service as members of the Orange Family gathered in the Memorial Garden at Schomberg House, Belfast, to pay their respects.

The annual wreath-laying event, which is organised in partnership with Thiepval Memorial Lodge LOL 1916, included a short parade and was attended by dozens of Brethren from across the jurisdiction of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland.

Grand Master Wor. Bro. Edward Stevenson laid a wreath on behalf of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland during a service conducted by Wor. Bro. Rev. Stanley Gamble, Grand Chaplain.

The Grand Master said: “On Armistice Day we rightly remember the bravery of those who served in global conflicts over the past centuries - but also those who donned the uniform of the Ulster Defence Regiment, the Royal Ulster Constabulary and other law enforcement agencies here in Northern Ireland in the fight against terrorism in more recent years.

“As a Loyal Institution we pledge that such sacrifice will not be air brushed from the pages of history.”

Wreaths were also laid on behalf of the Junior Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, The Association of Loyal Orangewomen of Ireland and Thiepval Memorial LOL 1916.

In a separate ceremony, a wreath was laid at the Memorial Window in memory of the 339 Orange Brethren and one Sister who were murdered during the Troubles.


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