Senior Officers of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, including Grand Master Edward Stevenson, recently met with representatives of the Ulster Unionist Party including new leader, Steve Aiken OBE and former leader Robin Swann.
The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss areas of mutual interest including the forthcoming General Election and the ongoing issues relating to Brexit. Orange representatives reiterated their opposition to the Prime Minister’s current proposals highlighting a number of areas of concern including any new perceived economic border in the Irish Sea.
Discussion also centred on the Institution’s concerns surrounding legacy issues – especially the imbalance in the ongoing pursuit of members of the security forces in contrast to terrorists, many of whom have enjoyed early release or effective immunity from prosecution.
In relation to the imminent local political talks aimed at restoring the Assembly, the Grand Master reiterated the Institution’s strong opposition to an Irish Language Act. He stated that whilst there is an urgent need to see accountable and effective government restored, Republicanism should not be continually appeased and rewarded for their intransigence.