John 12:27-37
John 12:27 ‘for this cause came I unto this hour.’
In this, His last public address, Christ spoke of His coming death, as the purpose for which He had come into the world. He had glorified God the Father every moment of every day in what He did and said. But He declares He was about to glorify God in His coming death. Christ’s bearing the penalty for our sins to provide salvation, is undoubtedly the greatest exhibition of God’s glory. In the cross we see displayed, God’s wisdom, power, holiness, wrath, love, mercy and grace.
Sadly, v37 informs us about some who heard Him speak about His coming death and had witnessed His miracles, ‘yet they did not believe on Him’. Likewise today, many who know of Christ’s death for sinners have still not trusted Him as their personal Saviour. Those who have, glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray with the hymnwriter:
O teach me what it meaneth, That cross uplifted high,
With One, the Man of Sorrows, Condemned to bleed and die!
Hymn - ‘To God be the glory’
By Wor. Bro. Rev. Ron Johnston, Grand Chaplain