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Fraternal Organisation

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Massive parade will be culmination of NI CentenNIal celebrations

Deputy Grand Master Wor. Bro. Harold Henning encouraging everyone to come and enjoy the Northern Ireland CentenNIal parade on Saturday, 28th May.


The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland’s CentenNIal Parade is now just days away!
On Saturday, 28th May, the Orange Family will arrive in Belfast in huge numbers for what promises to be an event to remember.
It may have been delayed by 12 months due to the Coronavirus pandemic, but this was one event celebrating Northern Ireland’s magnificent milestone anniversary that was not going to be missed.
Deputy Grand Master Wor. Bro. Harold Henning, who along with the CentenNIal Parade Working Group has been kept very busy with planning and preparing, is certainly looking forward to the big day.
And he is encouraging as many members of the Orange Family as possible to come along and enjoy the spectacle.
“Partake, Spectate, Enjoy has been the catch-line of our plans for the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland’s CentenNIal Parade - and that is exactly what we want the members of the Orange Family to do!” he said.
“This truly significant event marks the 100th birthday of Northern Ireland. We may have been forced to delay our celebrations by 12 months, but that wait only serves to make them all the more exciting.
“The parade, which will feature thousands of Orange Brethren, Sisters, Juniors and the bands, will make its way from Stormont Estate into Belfast City.
“We want as many people as possible to come along and be part of the day, be part of the celebrations and help make the Northern Ireland CentenNIal parade an event to remember for years to come!”

Plan to attend

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Brethren from across the jurisdiction of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland will be taking part, as will members of the Association of Loyal Orangewomen of Ireland, Junior Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, the Royal Black Institution, the Independent Orange Order, The Apprentice Boys of Derry; Royal Arch Purple Chapter and visiting Brethren from across the United Kingdom and further afield.


130 bands and an anticipated 20,000 people will take part in the parade, matching the scale of the Ulster Covenant parade which was held in 2012.


Platform proceedings will take place at 12noon. The Parade will commence at 1.00pm led by Grand Lodge Officers and Guests.


There will be a Food Village, family activities and entertainment available in the grounds of Stormont Estate from 10.30am. There will also be musical performances both in the Stormont Estate and at points along the route ahead of the parade.


There are numerous restaurants, fast food outlets and cafes along the route. Please support these local businesses.

Stormont Estate - map

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Between 9.30am and 12noon, a free shuttle bus will run every 15 minutes approx. between Belfast City Centre - outside SS Moore Sports, Chichester Street - and the front gates of Stormont, with stops along the route. This may be used by families arriving at Stormont who wish to move to the City Centre or by Brethren to make their way from the City Centre to Stormont.

The shuttle bus will stop at any Translink bus stop on request.


After the parade the normal Translink / Glider services will recommence.


Spectators are advised to choose their location to watch the parade before travelling and arrive well in advance of the parade’s 1pm start time. There is no car parking available in Stormont Estate or along the parade route.


If arriving by car, please plan where you will park in advance. If parking in a residential area, please respect all driveways and access to local properties.

Souvenir programme

A souvenir programme has been produced to mark this very special event.


It will be on sale inside the grounds of Stormont Estate and along the parade route.


The souvenir programme is priced £3.


You can buy your copy from our web shop by clicking the image of the programme cover.

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Designated charity

The designated charity for the event is the Northern Ireland Air Ambulance - no other collections or fundraising should take place on the day.


Collectors will be in the Stormont Estate and along the route, please give generously.

General information

There are portaloos located around the Stormont estate, along the 4.5-mile route and at the bus departure points. Please note it is a criminal offence to urinate in a public place.


Portaloos will be at the following locations along the parade route

  • Stormont Estate

  • Opposite SD Bell’s Upper Newtownards Road / Knock Road

  • Earlswood Road / Upper Newtownards Road junction

  • KwiK Fit, Upper Newtownards Road

  • Upper Newtownards Road / Ravenscroft Avenue junction

  • Westbourne Glentoran Supporters Club, Newtownards Road

  • Westbourne Presbyterian Church, Newtownards Road

  • Bridge End / Station Street junction

  • City Hall


Alcohol will not be permitted in Stormont Estate and the majority of Belfast is a designated alcohol-free area.


Please follow the instructions of Parade Marshals and the PSNI at all times.

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